Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The low cost fashion brand Zara under investigation in Brazil

Serious accusations in Brazil for Zara, the fashion label low cost Spanish. The fashion brand is under investigation for forced labor. The accusation is that they have used the workforce that was forced to work under inhuman conditions, real slavery. The survey has already been launched by the Ministry of labour of Brasilia after the complaint about working conditions in a laboratory of Sao Paulo. The laboratory was illegal.

Zadar, which is not new complaints that shook the world (remember the bag with swastika removed from the market?), this time facing an inquiry really delicate, since it is accused of having forced its Brazilian workers to create fashion leaders in conditions of slavery, extreme exploitation.

"We found children exposed to risk, unprotected machines, electric wires, unsanitary spaces with great powder and no air circulation, without sunlight. Workers had to ask permission to the owner of the lab to go out and had to communicate where they went, "these are the words of Luis Alexandre de Faria, an official of the Ministry of labour, which was present in two blitz factory facts under investigation.

In this laboratory her salary was equal to 100 euro per month, when the minimum wage is 247. There are other companies that work for Zara that were placed under investigation, both in São Paulo to both American. All were reported. Although external work, de Faria, the brand is responsible for laboratories "because these workers produced virtually only pieces intended for the company, following its standard".

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